,主讲《Python 程序设计》、《大数据》等课程,从事 调和分析、小波分析 方向的研究。
1、Song, C.. A New Class of Spaces and
the Application in the Hormander Multipliers, International Journal of
Mathematical Analysis, 2013, 7(44):2189-2198.
2、Song, C.. Gabor frames and
multilinear multipliers on modulation spaces, Nonlinear Functional Analysis and
Application, 2013, 18(4):483-497.
3、Song, C.. Oscillatory Integrals and
Edge Analysis of the Continuous Shearlet Transform, Sampling Theory in Signal
and Image Processing, 2013, 12:189-213.
4、Song, C.. Unimodular Fourier
Multipliers with a Time Parameter on Modulation Spaces, Journal of Inequalities
and Applications, 2014.
5、Song, C.. 模空间上的多线性乘子估计, 数学学报, 2015, 58(1):107-114.